Key Achievements
- The FIA introduced a new Motorsport Funding Programme, including a Subsidy Programme which received 32 applications in its first year.
- Four new Regional Coordinators were nominated.
- The Motorsport in a Box project was launched, and five pilot projects were carried out.
- The first ever FIA University graduation took place in Baku, Azerbaijan.
- The FIA High Performance Programme, which will support leading stewards and race directors to improve their skills and mindset, was launched.
FIA events and announcements
At the FIA Conference in Cordóba, the FIA highlighted the importance of making sport more accessible – both for viewers and for participants. The team set out their ongoing efforts to achieve this, including through the FIA Immersion Programme.
The department also launched the International Calendar Platform, a unified digital tool for the central management of championships and competitions, and Motorsport In a Box, a complete toolkit that will support FIA Members to engage in safe and accessible grassroots motor sport.
Likewise, at the FIA General Assemblies in Baku, Azerbaijan, the FIA launched the Arrive and Drive concept, which aims to provide a low-cost, accessible introduction to karting competition via the leisure market.

FIA Motorsport Funding Program
46 Club proposals were accepted as part of the 2024 applications round (conducted between January and April 2023). These included:
Motorsport Development
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
In 2023, the FIA also introduced its new Subsidy Programme. This programme offers €5k in accessible funds to 73 clubs in emerging and inactive markets. The initiative is designed to support these Member Clubs as they organise small events or acquire necessary equipment. In its debut year, the programme garnered 32 applications, demonstrating its immediate impact.
Services To The FIA-Affiliated Sports Clubs
The Sport Clubs Liaison Office, which is part of the Secretariat General for Sport, liaises with the 147 affiliated ASNs/ACNs to support them, exchange information, strengthen relations and propose tailored development projects.
This year, the Sport Clubs Liaison Office continued to:
- Provide daily support to the Vice-Presidents for Sport, helping to facilitate contact with Clubs and support on the development of regional projects
- Prepare content for FIA events, including Town Halls, the Environmental Seminar in Oman, the FIA Conference and the FIA General Assemblies
- Update the e-Directory, which provides information on FIA members worldwide
The Office also:
- Nominated four new Regional Coordinators upon validation of the VPs for Sport. These Regional Coordinators will help the FIA maintain closer relationships with affiliated members, and encourage improved collaboration and cross-Club work.
- Implemented grassroots initiatives and support programmes to help clubs launch motor sport activities or increase their level. These included five Motorsport in a Box pilot projects. All FIA-affiliated members have been informed that they will receive one Motorsport in a Box toolkit as a donation, but deliveries are still ongoing.
- Organised two FIA Immersion Programme sessions in May and October 2023. First introduced in 2022, this project aims to help young team members at Sports Clubs to improve their understanding of how the FIA works. In 2023, 14 candidates took part in meetings and workshops in Paris and Geneva to enhance their knowledge and awareness on various topics. The group in May attended the Rallye Ain-Jura (France), while the group in October visited the Rallye International du Valais (Switzerland).

FIA Training
In 2023, the FIA continued to expand the FIA University’s offering across Sport.
This year, the University offered two new certificates to Members:
FIA University Certificate in Motorsport Leadership and Management: Focusing on developing core competencies, strategic planning and problem solving capabilities tailored for motor sport club professionals.
FIA University Certificate in Modern Sport Governance: Focusing on developing an understanding of the principles of good governance and how to apply these in FIA member clubs.
Both Certificates have been well received by FIA Member Clubs.
More than 300 individuals took Motorsport Leadership and Management and Modern Sport Governance certificates in 3 months.
FIA University Graduation
The FIA University held its inaugural Graduation ceremony during the Annual General Assemblies in Baku, Azerbaijan. 57 graduates were recognised at the event, hosted by Carmelo Sanz De Barros, Robert Reid, and Professor David Hassan.
FIA Stewards and Race Director Pathway
The FIA’s first High Performance Programme for Officials was launched in February 2023. The programme offers personalised training and development for stewards and race directors, helping them to learn the skills and mindset needed to work on World Championships and high-octane Championships. It is part of the Stewards and Race Director Pathway.
In addition, the FIA International Programme for Stewards and Race Directors was delivered across a total of 8 webinars for over 350 officials from across the FIA Family representing Member Clubs. The focus of the programme is to support the development of International Officials and talent ID the next generation.
The FIA also developed introductory content, to help beginner Stewards and Race Directors understand the skills needed to work in sport.
FIA Sport Club Development Strategy
The FIA Training team also developed and launched the FIA Sport Club Development Strategy in 2023. This strategy sets out an approach to provide bespoke support for FIA Member Clubs against their specific needs and local environment.

Ongoing work
The FIA also continued to deliver:
- FIA Sport Webinars
- FIA Immersion programme
- Content for the FIA Conference and FIA General Assemblies
- FIA Motorsport in a Box concept